
R Package to process and verify wind forecasts from weather models

Primary LanguageRApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


R Package to process and verify wind forecasts from weather models


Install from GitHub with

# install.packages("devtools")

Current Functions

convertunits - convert wind speeds from one unit to another

getbae - calculate the bivariate absolute error for a forecast/observation wind vector pair

getbmae - calculate bivariate mean absolute error over many forecast/observation wind vector pairs

getmvrank - calculate a multivariate rank given EMOS parameters (to populate a multivariate rank histogram)

getenorm - calculate the two dimensional Eucledian norm

getesapprox - perform an energy score approximation given bivariate PDF parameters

getes - calculate the energy score for a discrete ensemble

getmvrank - calculate a multivariate rank given a discrete ensemble (to populate a multivariate rank histogram)

getuv - convert wind speed and wind direction into u and v wind components

getwspdwdir - convert u and v wind components into wind speed and wind direction

getwdirerror - calculate the wind direction error of a forecast/observation pair

ndbc10m - calculate 10-m winds for a vector of wind speed measurements according to Hsu et al. (1994)

winds10m - calculate 10-m winds for a vector of wind speed measurements using direction dependent surface roughness information

Future Functions