Documenting how to fix or solve any specific tasks or problem, whether its coding issue or operations. Should cover wide range of topics.

Workflow as State Machine

Some Chatbots/Conversational/NLP/NLU/DL related articles and resources:

How to support multiple versions of your web services?

Caching Management

How to do denormalized design

How SEO works? How to build SEO friendly web apps?



How to create the slush generator

How Nodejs Works? How Nodejs server is different from tranditional?

How require method in node module works?

how to not require sudo installing npm globally
How you use npm as build tool

How OAuth2 works

How to setup gradle based project to depend on source of another project for local development/debugging?

API cheat sheet


chai cheatsheet

Installing various packages into unbuntu

Linux Directory Map

Installing oracle java

How CORS works

How to use Regex? Show with example.

Async and Await

Troubleshooting using jmap


Enterprise JavaBeans

Git vs Bare Git repository ;

linux commandline utilities

How to map custom domain to app in heroku.

How to build a plugin?,ex for eclipse

Building Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems SOAP vs REST

Various db mapping mechanisms and examples for java applications