Uses Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm to classify customer reviews into positive, negative and complaints.
Run sentiment_analyser.ipynb to see the results
Dataset is available at:
Obtained the dataset from:
Download dataset from the link and paste the downloaded directory 'amazon_reviews' in the directory named 'datasets'.
1. pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Download spacy language model using the command 'python3 -m spacy download en'
3. Download nltk stopwords using the command 'python3 -m nltk.downloader stopwords'
4. Download nltk vader lexicon using the command 'python3 -m nltk.downloader vader_lexicon'
4. Enter the command '$ jupyter notebook' to start jupyter notebook to run the following files
1. prepare_dataset.ipynb
Prepares the datasets from csv files, filter outs unwanted columns, etc.
2. feature_extraction.ipynb
Performs data cleaning, extracts features from the prepared dataset,and creates training and testing datasets
3. MulinomialNB.ipynb
Creates a Multinomial Naive Bayes model from the training data
4. sentiment_analyser.ipynb
Performs sentiment analysis on the given text using the model created.
The function sentiment_analysis(text) gives the sentiment of the text argument passed