
A library of operators for RxJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RxJS Operators


A library of operators for RxJS


In all cases this library does not add operators to Rx.Observable. You need to do extra work to create an Observable with these operators.

You may either:

  • Use the whole package to get a hash object of all RxOperators.operator.* and RxOperators.utility.*.
  • Import individual operators from /operator and/or utilities from /utility.

The operators are simply function that expect this to be the upstream Observable If they were contained within RxJS then they would be prototype functions on Observable. They create and return a downstream Observable.

To use the operators you should either:

  • Create your own Observable implementation using utility.subclassWith(operators). The resulting class implements the necessary lift() and from() methods and all the given operators.

  • Use any of the options listed in the documentation.

Note that the author considers it poor practice to monkey patch Observable.prototype per Option 3 as it creates a global namespace in which it will be easy to conflict with other libraries.

For example:

Import everthing

var RxOperators  = require('rxjs-operators');
var MyObservable = RxOperators.utility.subclassWith({
  disposable: MyObservable.operators.disposable,

or import selectively

var subclassWith = require('rxjs-operators/utility/subclass-with'),
    disposable   = require('rxjs-operators/operators/disposable');
var MyObservable = subclassWith({
  disposable: disposable,

then use the RxJS let() operator to cast any Observable

var disposableObservable = anyObservable



utility.subclassWith(operators, [BaseClass], [constructor]) : Class

Create a subclass of Rx.Observable, or the given BaseClass, that includes the given operators.

Implements instance lift() and static from() methods.

  • @param operators : object A hash of operator functions or property definitions for the prototype
  • @param [BaseClass : Class] Optional subclass of Observable to use as the base class (default Observable)
  • @param [constructor : function] Optional constructor implementation (default BaseClass)
  • @returns : Class A subclass of Observable that includes the given operators

While operators values are typically function, they may also be a descriptor object per Object.defineProperty().


operator.behavior([initialValue]) : BehaviorObservable

Represents a value that changes over time. Observers can subscribe to the subject to receive the last (or initial) value and all subsequent notifications, unless or until the source Observable is complete.

  • @this : Observable
  • @param [initialValue : *] Optional value to use when invalid (default undefined)
  • @returns : BehaviorObservable A RefCountObservable with additional clear() method, and isValid:boolean and value:* fields

Exposes a clear() method that will re-instate the initialValue.

Exposes an isValid flag which negates any time the current value is the initialValue (by strict equality).


operator.disposable([subject]) : LifecycleObservable

Represents a value that changes over time. Observers can subscribe to the subject to receive all subsequent notifications, unless or until the source Observable (if given) is complete. May be explicitly completed using an exposed dispose() method.

  • @this : Observable|undefined
  • @param [subject : Subject] Optional existing Subject instance, similar to multicast() operator
  • @returns : LifecycleObservable A RefCountObservable with additional dispose() method and isComplete:boolean field

May be called as an unbound closure but will not subscribe to any source Observable.

An optional subject may be provided to dictate the nature of the multicast output and/or provide explicit supplementary control of the Observable output. For example, pass new Rx.BehaviorSubject() to receive a behavior output.

Exposes a dispose() method which causes the Subject to complete if it has not already done so.

Exposes an isDisposed flag which indicates whether the Subject has completed.


There is some duplication with the takeUntil() operator which you should consider as an alternative.

This operator is more convenient in the case where where you want to terminate by simple function call, rather than an observable. If you find you are iterating over observables and calling .dispose() then you should compose with .takeUntil(kill) and a single kill:Observable instead.

operator.stimulus([subject]) : StimulusObservable

Represents a value that changes over time. Observers can subscribe to the subject to receive all subsequent notifications, unless or until the source Observable (if given) is complete. May be explicitly control Observable output using the exposed next(), error(), and complete() methods.

  • @this : Observable|undefined
  • @param [subject : Subject] Optional existing Subject instance, similar to multicast() operator
  • @returns : StimulusObservable A RefCountObservable with additional dispose() method and isComplete:boolean field

May be called as an unbound closure but will not subscribe to any source Observable.

An optional subject may be provided to dictate the nature of the multicast output and/or provide explicit supplementary control of the Observable output. For example, pass new Rx.BehaviorSubject() to receive a behavior output.

Exposes a dispose() method which causes the Subject to complete if it has not already done so.

Exposes an isDisposed flag which indicates whether the Subject has completed.


There is some duplication with the takeUntil() operator which you should consider as an alternative.

This operator is more convenient in the case where where you want to terminate by simple function call, rather than an observable. If you find you are iterating over observables and calling .dispose() then you should compose with .takeUntil(kill) and a single kill:Observable instead.

operator.lifecycle() : LifecycleObservable

Represents a value that changes over time. Observers can subscribe to the subject to receive all subsequent notifications, unless or until the source Observable is complete. It is possible to observe the number of subscriptions to the Subject.

  • @this : Observable|undefined
  • @param [subject : Subject] Optional existing Subject instance, similar to multicast() operator
  • @returns : LifecycleObservable A RefCountObservable with additional lifecycle:Observable field

May be called as an unbound closure but will not subscribe to any source Observable.

An optional subject may be provided to dictate the nature of the multicast output and/or provide explicit supplementary control of the Observable output. For example, pass new Rx.BehaviorSubject() to receive a behavior output.

Exposes a lifecycle Observable which tracks the number of subscribers to the Observable proper. The lifecycle will complete when the source Observable completes. The lifecycle is a behavior in that all new subscriptions will immediately receive the current reference count as their first value, unless or until the source Observable is complete.
