Nitrous Acid Program in R

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Nitrous Acid Program in R (NAP-R)

About Me

NAPR is a tool to calculate contributions of reaction mechanisms, predict [HONO], and estimate the unknown reaction rate based on observed NOx, JNO2, and OH but an OH estimation option is available. Created by Bode Hoover at IU Bloomington (bodehoov@iu.edu).

Installation and Dependencies

All necessary packages should be installed after running the load_packages() function in the core.R file. If you need still to install devtools,


Installing diurnals package


Or if that doesn't work


Run the model

You will need to edit the core.R file to run the model with your field campaign data. Currently, the data must be a 24 hour diurnal which can be achieved using the diurnals package above. Additionally, the get_initial.R must be edited to adjust the initial conditions.

Diurnal average

  1. Inputs
    • df: data frame with field campaign data
    • TimeColumn: name of column with times. Can be any string format. Edit char_to_time function if additional formats needed
  2. Outputs:
    • diurnal average
    • diurnal median
    • standard deviation for each bin
    • count for each bin
    • DOES NOT CALCULATE SEM but that can easily be done by SEM = sd / sqrt(count)
df <- Diurnal(df = df_name, TimeColumn = time_column_name)

Future work:

  • Make RShiny app for UI
  • Add diurnal average option for field campaign data instead of doing separately