
Code that simulates a nest (random rod packing) for the paper "Micromechanical origin of plasticity and hysteresis in nest-like packings"

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



This repository provides a prototyping, non-parallel (single threaded, single node) code in C++ that supplements the paper:

Bhosale, Y., Weiner, N., Butler, A., Kim, S. H., Gazzola, M., & King, H. (2022). Micromechanical origin of plasticity and hysteresis in nestlike packings. Physical review letters, 128(19), 198003.

Installation guide

The code requires a minimal gcc compiler with no additional libraries to install. Follow the steps below to run the nest simulation:

  1. Set the custom gcc compiler path based on your system on line 5 of Makefile in makefiles folder
  2. Run the following command in the terminal:

For further information on this work, please have a look at this link.