
Stata kernel for IPython/Jupyter

Primary LanguagePython


A Stata kernel for IPython/Jupyter


This kernel currently only works in Windows.

You need a recent version of Stata, and if you have not already used Stata automation, register its type library by following these instructions.

You also need IPython 3.


You can install with

pip install git+https://github.com/jrfiedler/stata-kernel
python -m stata_kernel.install


After installing, simply open an IPython notebook server

ipython notebook

and choose a new "Stata" notebook.


Use %%graph to insert the last graph created by Stata into the notebook. The graph is saved as a png file in a temporary directory, shown in the output.


sysuse auto, clear

Then in a separate cell:

histogram price
scatter price mpg

Notes for PDF conversion

See PDF.md.