
Toolbox for performing linear-scaling density functional theory + dynamical mean field theory

Primary LanguageFortran


                        T O S C A M

 - Toolbox for Strongly Correlated Approaches to Molecules -


 Cedric Weber and Edward Linscott

 This is distrubuted under the GNU Lesser General Public


 Please cite:
    E. B. Linscott, D. J. Cole, N. D. M. Hine, M. C. Payne, 
    & C. Weber
    ONETEP + TOSCAM: uniting dynamical mean field theory and
    linear-scaling density functional theory
    (2019) arXiv:1911.07752.


 Website: https://github.com/elinscott/toscam

 Directory Structure

 bin/       contains all compiled TOSCAM executables for 
            running TOSCAM as well as pre- and 

 config/    configuration files for compilation on different

 docs/      Documentation (to install, you may need to run
            `git submodule init && git submodule update`)

 src/       Fortran source code

 tests/     Quality control tests

 utils/     Bash scripts


 For installation instructions, see INSTALL
