
Action that returns a substring from an input string.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Substring Action

Retrieves a substring of some input and sets the specified output variable. This variable can be accessed via steps.<step_id>.outputs.<output_name>.


node_modules are not checked into the repository, because jest is used - which has many more dependencies.


name description required default
value Value that the substring will be obtained from. true -
output_name The step's output variable name from which the substring may be obtained true substring
index_of_str The string that is used in the (javascript) String.prototype.indexOf(index_of_str, str) query false -
length_from_start Returns the substring of the specified length from the beginning. false -
length_from_end Returns the substring of the specified length starting at the end. false -
fail_if_not_found If index_of_str does not result in a match this will cause an error to be thrown. false true
default_return_value If index_of_str fails then this value will be returned (if fail_if_not_found = false). false "" (empty string)

If more than one of the substring inputs is provided, the order of precedence is: index_of_str, length_from_start, length_from_end.


output_name - this will be whatever value was provided as the output_name on the input or defaults to substring.

Example Usage

  - uses: bhowell2/github-substring-action@1.0.2
    id: one
      value: "abc123"
      index_of_str: "ab"
# steps.one.outputs.substring = 'c123'
  - uses: bhowell2/github-substring-action@1.0.2
    id: two
      value: "abc123"
      index_of_str: "ab"
      length_from_start: 3
# steps.two.outputs.substring = 'c123' -- note length_from_start is ignored
  - uses: bhowell2/github-substring-action@1.0.2
    id: three
      value: "abc123"
      length_from_start: 3
# steps.three.outputs.substring = 'abc'
  - uses: bhowell2/github-substring-action@1.0.2
    id: four
      value: "abc123"
      length_from_end: 3
# steps.four.outputs.substring = '123'