Any IMU is a rather old repo of python and arduino code used for reading electronic digital sensors. The gui was written with PySide and pyqtgraph. Also included is c++ code for the arduino (.ino) files.

Primary LanguagePython


Any IMU is a rather old repo of python and arduino code used for reading electronic digital sensors. The gui was written with PySide and pyqtgraph. Also included is c++ code for the arduino (.ino) files.

Protocols these chips are using are I2C and SPI

The following digital sensors are supported in this framework:

  • Gyroscope - L3G4200D (address 0x69)
  • Accelerometer - BMA180 (address 0x40
  • Magnetometer - HMC5883L (address 0x1E)
  • Barometer - BMP085 (address 0x77)

Below are photos of the prototype board used with this code

imu v1 board

imu v2 board