
A task/time tracker, written with NestJS and React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js/React/Redux Time Tracker app

This is yet another Pomodoro-technique-inspired app, for task&time tracking.

STATUS (2018-09): not stable (at all!)


  • Clone this repo
  • Install pnpm globally: npm i -g pnpm
  • Run pnpm install then npx lerna bootstrap


If you intend to run this on your computer or on a server, you'll need:

  • Node.js (tested with 8.x)
  • MySQL (tested with 5.7)

That's pretty much it!


  • Create a MySQL database for the app, a user with privileges on that database if need be (example in back/sql/init.sql)
  • Inject back/schema/schema.sql into that database
  • Copy back/credentials.sample.js to back/credentials.js and edit the latter, according to your DB setup
  • In both back and front, run npm install


  • Start server with npm start from back (you may set PORT to a custom port, 5000 is the default)
  • Start client with npm start from front (change proxy in package.json if you changed the server's port)

Prepare for Dokku deployment



1. Create app

dokku apps:create app-name

To be done once only

sudo dokku plugin:install https://github.com/dokku/dokku-mysql.git mysql

3. Create DB service

dokku mysql:create myappdb

4. Link DB service to app

dokku mysql:link myappdb app-name

BEWARE, you don't have to use the DB_* vars from env, but DATABASE_URL, e.g.: mysql://mysql:863504e9c117e833@dokku-mysql-myappdb:3306/myappdb

5. Deploy

Inject a dump to populate the DB. e.g.:

dokku mysql:import traktdb < trakt-20200106.sql

Set environment variables, e.g. for Basic Auth:

dokku config:set trakt AUTH_USER=foo AUTH_PASS=bar

Push the project to Dokku

git remote add dokku dokku@subdomain.dokku.me:app-name
git push dokku master