Workshop template

A React-based workshop template. It basically reads a markdown file, splits it into steps, and formats it nicely.

An example of what you get:

For the non-JS out there, you need Node.js, which you should install with NVM (Linux/MacOS) or NVM-Windows.

1. Create the new workshop repository

Don't fork this repository.

Use the use this template git button!

2. Change its parameters

Clone the repository locally. Then, in package.json, replace workshop-template with your own workshop URL (e.g. farting-unicorns) in the homepage value (and also in name but that doesn't matter).

3. Edit it!

The content is located in public/

You just have to follow its conventions:

  • # for title, ## for subtitle
  • The first #### and content below will be displayed as an introduction.
  • All the following #### and content will be displayed as a card, and their titles automagically added to the left nav menu.

4. Preview it locally

  • npm install or yarn to install dependencies
  • npm start or yarn start to launch

5. Push and deploy it!

  • Once pushed, you should just have to run npm run deploy or yarn deploy.
  • It will automatically create a gh-branch on Github repository.
  • Use Github Page (in Github Settings) and select gh-branch. Wait few minutes, then the workshop will be available, congrats!

Thanos - That's all folks