
A light weight C++ library implementation of huffman coding compression algorithm

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

HCL (Huffman Compression Library)

HCL a custom C++ library that allows file compression using Huffman Compression algorithm.

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Table of Contents


  • Fast and efficient
  • Supports all kinds of files (images, pdf, video, text, etc)
  • High level abstraction methods to be used
  • No need of understanding how compression algorithm works
  • Light weight library
  • Compression ratio of upto 50%


Below is the output for huffmantool.benchmark() method output.png


There are 2 ways to try the HCL library

1. Try Online

Try the HCL library online on my custom repl.

2. Try Locally

  1. Clone this repo to your project folder
    git clone https://github.com/bhumijgupta/huffman-compression-library.git hcl

  2. Import Huffman tool header and create new huffmantool object

// Filename main.cpp
#include "hcl/huffmantool.h"

int main(){
    huffmantool ht;
  1. Compile and run file
g++ main.cpp && ./a.out



compressFile(string sourceFile, string compressedFile = "") : string

Returns the destination of compressed file.
If the sourceFile provided is invalid or cannot be opened, it returns an empty string.

If no compressedFile is provided, compressedFile is present at the same dir as sourcefile with prefix compressed_


decompressFile(string compressedFile, string retrievedFile = "") : string

Returns the destination of decompressed file.
If the compressedFile provided is invalid or cannot be opened, it reurns an empty string.

If no retrievedFile is provided, retrievedFile is present at the same dir as compressedFile with prefix decompressed_ and removed compressed_ prefix (if present)


benchmark(string sourcefile) : void

This method performs compression and decompression on the sourcefile provided and prints the following stats to the stdout.

                              B E N C H M A R K

Filetype                      Filename                      Filesize in bytes


Time taken to compress file: XYZ microseconds
Time taken to decompress file: XYZ microseconds
Compression: XY.Z%

Note: For detailed understanding of code refer to Wiki.

Performance Comparison

The newfile.txt is populated using lorem ipsum data from lipsum.com and the following data is noticed after executing main.cpp.

Number of characters Original file size (in bytes) Compressed file size (in bytes)
10 10 36
100 100 116
1000 1000 642
10000 10000 5445
100000 100000 53354


The compression ratio and performance of the Huffman coding depends on the size of input text and the frequency of distinct characters in the file. From the above comparison we can see that the current implementation of huffman coding does not produce positive compression ratio for small files due to the overhead of storing Huffman Tree in the compressed file, which is useful at the time of decompression.

But we notice, as the size of file increases (>=1000 bytes), the compression ratio stays at almost 50%.


Following are the list of examples

Run tests

The tests are stored in tests/ directory. You need to install googletest framework to run test.

cd tests/
cmake CMakeLists.txt



This library is licensed under MIT License. The license file can be found here



Bhumij Gupta

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