
Made using React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My Portfolio

Built using React

3 Main Pages

>My Homepage

->Header: Has the navigation bar with my logo and hyperlinks to visit pages; "Home","My Work","Contact Me".
->First division: Following the content written using headings and paragraphs, there are two buttons, "Scroll Down" will take you down to next division. "Contact Me" navigates to the page with Contact details and links.
->Second division: This contains the "About Me" content, in it's first sub-division followed by the "Tech Stack" in the second sub-division.
->Footer:This contains the field taking interested visitors email-id and links to social media platforms to reach out to me.


>My Work Page

->This contains few of my renders that I have made using Blender3D.
->Also, includes few of my codepens, basically working with HTML5, CSS3 and JS. (https://codepen.io/bhumikhokhani/)
->When hovered over any item, there is a small animation occuring.


Contact Me Page

->This basically links again to the footer, giving all the contact information to check my work or reach out to me.


That is all with my first attempt, working with React.

Thank you!