
We have developed this REST API for an Online Food Booking application. This API performs all the fundamental CRUD operations of any Online Food Booking platform with user validation at every step.

Primary LanguageJava


Foodie Express

Wellcome To Foodie express App

# REST API for an Online Food Application

This is a collaborative project, completed by a team of 4 Java backend developers at Masai School.

  • We have developed this REST API for an Online Food Booking application. This API performs all the fundamental CRUD operations of any Online Food Booking platform with user validation at every step.
  • This project is developed by team of 4 Back-end Developers during project week in Masai School.
  • Team Members


    • The Aim of this application is to form a bridge between restaurant and customers.
    • The Restaurant owners must be able to sign in to the application to create and list out their food items along with the price.
    • So, that the customers could sign up , view the nearby restaurants and place the order.
    • The customer selects the method of payment and makes a payment for his order.
    • The restaurant owner can accept his order and delivery the order to customer

    Tech Stack

    • Java
    • Spring Framework
    • Spring Boot
    • Spring Data JPA
    • MySQL
    • Swagger UI
    • Lambok
    • Maven


    • Login Module

    • Restaurant owner Module

    • Customer Module

    • OrderDetails Module

    • FoodCart Module

    • OrderItem Module

    • Bill Module

    • Category Module

    • FoodCart Module

    • Order and Bill Module

    ER Diagram


    • Data Authentication and Validation for all the users (Restaurnat owner, Customer)

    Owner Features

    • Owner can login by giving valid credentials.
    • Owner can add category and provide the item to the respective category.
    • Owner can add the status and set the price.

    Customer Features

    • Customer can login in the application and update their information using their username and password.
    • Customer can book food item using by adding into cart and destination.
    • Customer can access the bill after the purchase & can have the history is completed.

    Installation & Run

    • Before running the API server, you should update the database config inside the application.properties file.
    • Update the port number, username and password as per your local database configuration.

    API Root Endpoint


    API Reference