
tools to develop, build and serve electric apps

Primary LanguageClojure


electric-tools is a package of namespaces for developing and building electric apps.


electric-tools bundles the cljs and server config required to develop an electric app, without needing to clone the electric starter app. To use it, you first need to install an alias like:

{;; resources must be included on the classpath becaue electric
 ;; generates a manifest.edn
 :paths ["src" "dev" "resources"]
 :deps {io.github.bhurlow/electric-tools {:git/sha "2517cfa"}}
 :aliases {:dev {:ns-default electric-tools.dev
                 :jvm-opts ["-Xss2m"]}}}

Next, create a dev clojurescript namespace which imports your electric app index. Note this file must be clojurescript (.cljs not .cljc) due to reloading specifics

(ns example-app.dev
   [example-app.app :as app] ;; require your electric app main ns 
   [hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
   [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom]))

(defonce reactor nil)

(def electric-main
   (binding [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2/node js/document.body]
     (println "inside boot")

(defn ^:dev/after-load ^:export start! []
  (assert (nil? @reactor) "reactor already running")
  (set! reactor (electric-main
                 #(js/console.log "Reactor success:" %)
                 #(js/console.error "Reactor failure:" %))))

(defn ^:dev/before-load stop! []
  (when reactor (@reactor))
  (reset! reactor nil))

Finally, you can start the dev toolchain using

clojure -X:dev electric-dev :main-ns example-app.dev

where main-ns is the namespace of the initialization code from the previous step


Built electric apps are just java jar files which include the built client code, server and user code. To build with electric-tools TODO