
proxy with extra points

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A lightweight and configurable http reverse proxy

features include:

  • storing requests in a datastore (optional)
  • custom error pages
  • docker aware routing
  • SSL

Virtual Hosts

requests are forwarded to containers on the docker host started with the VIRTUAL_HOST env var

Basic Auth

containers started on a docker host with the BASIC_AUTH env var will require basic auth specified in the var value, e.g. BASIC_AUTH=foo:bar

503 pages

when a service becomes unavailable traffic will attempt to serve /var/503.html. If that file doesn't exist it will serve a built-in 503 page



  • saving requests into rethinkdb with RETHINK_HOST


  • round-robin: tbd

  • ip-hashing: tbd

  • rate-limiting: tbd

  • blacklist: tbd

  • logs -> rethinkdb: tbd

  • storing routing table in rethinkdb

  • docker events

  • service alerts?

Api Interface

POST /add/:host/:downstream

POST /del/:host

POST /flush

POST /info

Using with Docker

first you pull and start the container

# get it
docker pull bhurlow/traffic

# run it 
# open up two ports, one for the proxy
# another for the api interface
docker run -d \
  -p 80:3000 \
  -p 3500:3500 \

then you add routes using the api

curl -X POST \