
Moviebuzz is a highly scalable Movie Reviews and Movie Ticket Booking platform created for learning purpose.

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Platform Features

  • Horizontally scalable
  • Highly Concurrent
  • Microservice Architecture
  • Containerized Application
  • API Authentication and Authorization
  • Real-time Service Monitoring and Alerts using Appdynamics
  • Production Grade Code with Integration Tests using Docker Containers


  • Cassandra
  • ElasticSearch
  • Docker
  • Apache Kafka
  • Spring Cloud
  • Hashicorp Consul
  • Zookeeper

Build Steps

  • map mkafka and mzookeeper hostnames to localhost in local machine mkafka mzookeeper

  • Run maven build on moviebuzz-parent module to generate JAR files mvn clean install

  • Run maven build using 'integrate' profile to launch docker containers and run Integration Tests

  • mvn clean install -Pintegrate

    • After running above command, docker images will be created on host machine.



    • All the required Container Stack will be up on your local machine to run integration tests.

    • If all the integration tests are successful, Build will be successful otherwise build will fail.


Feel free to Fork a repo and submit a PR. You can add support for following pending Tasks.

  • Adding APIs to delete existing Entities from ElasticSearch and Cassandra
  • Support for ElasticSeach update, delete Query in ElasticsearchService
  • Integrating SQL database for real time Bookings
  • SQL database schema