
Repositorio de ChelaJs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting started

Running ChelaJs repo

npm install

ChelaJs uses LevelDb as Database and session store, so no extra dependencies are needed, just node modules.

Starting the server

ChelaJS requires the NODE_PATH variable to include the directory ./local_modules e.g.

NODE_PATH='$NODE_PATH:./local_modules' node server.js

If you use nodemon, this is configure in nodemon.json so alternatively you can just run


Conf file

Copy sample config to config folder and add a github keys to sample

mkdir config
cp config-sample.json config/dev.json

Set your self as admin

Go to dev.json and set you github username in the admin array

Setting Github keys

Chela Js uses github as log in, we are developers after all.

Create your github keys here

Use http://chelajs-dev.com:3000/auth/github/callback as callback url.

You can add this to your host file(sudo vim/nano /etc/hosts)  chelajs-dev.com

So you can develop with the oauth easier


Swig.js is used for the template engine, check documentation here.

Helping with the style

For help with styles, stylus + nib

npm install stylus -g
npm install nib -g

Then run

stylus -u nib -w -c -o public/css/ public/stylus/*.styl