
Final project for Cryptography and Security course at ITBA. Year 2013.

Primary LanguageC


Final project for Cryptography and Security course at ITBA. Year 2013.


  • The libargtable2-dev library must be installed:

      apt-get install libargtable2-dev 
  • In the root of the project the following scripts can be found:

    • desafio.sh with the commands to get the hidden video.
    • test.sh with several tests
  • To run the previously mentioned scripts, run:

      sh scriptname.sh
  • Arguments are:

      [--extract] [--embed] [-i <input hide file>] -p <input bmp> -o <output bmp> -s LSB1|LSB4|LSBE [-a aes128|aes192|aes256|des] [-m ecb|cfb|ofb|cbc] [-P <char>]
  • Required parameters:

    • --extract Indicates that information will be extract
    • --embed Indicates the information to be hidden
    • -i o --in File that will be hidden
    • -p Carrier bmp file
    • -o o --out Output file
    • -s o --steg LSB1|LSB4|LSBE Stenography algorithm
  • Optional parameters:

    • -a aes128|aes192|aes256|des Encryption/Decryption algorithm
    • -m ecb|cfb|ofb|cbc Encryption/Decryption mode
    • -P o --pass Encryption password