OMSCS Machine Learning Assignments

This repo is full of code for CS 7641 - Machine Learning at Georgia Tech.

A huge thanks to Chad Maron ( for sharing his code. Much of the code contained in this repo is based off of his work. I made some slight improvements but it's largely unmodified.

A huge thanks to Jonathan Tay ( for sharing his code too... Chad's code was based on his.

Wait, code?

Yup, we are encouraged to steal code. All the code. It's fine. Only the analysis matters.

For more support of this claim, see

How do I use this?

If a python virtual environment has been setup for the project, a simple pip install -r requirements.txt should take care of the required packages.

Each assignment folder has its own that will do most of the work for you.

Running python -h should provide a list of options for what you can do.

For the most part it is simple to run a given set of experiments based on a specific algorithm. One flag to consider always including is --threads with a value of -1. This will speed up execution in some cases but also might use all available cores. --threads with a value of -2 will use all but one threads... etc.

The --verbose flag can be helpful to view data about a given dataset or MDP.

Each assignment folder should have its own readme with anything specific to not for that assignment.

Why should I trust you, of all people?

You shouldn't.

But a thing is broken!?

Feel free to open an issue for things that are flat out broken (or even better open a PR) and I can take a look.

That said, caveat emptor applies.

Why didn't you fork Chad's or PR into his repo?

It's possible I may continue using Chad's stuff for the remainder of the assignments... but I don't know yet. Didn't want to restrict myself.