On My Block App | Trello | Presentation

Due Date: 1/14/2022 10:00EST

Created By:

Bianca Joseph | GitHub | LinkedIn

Nashid Alam | GitHub | LinkedIn

Calvin Menyfield | GitHub | LinkedIn

Abidur Rahman | GitHub | LinkedIn


On My Block is an app created to encourage local public safety for residents of different neighborhoods. The app includes frequently updated information about crime, local news and recommendations pertaining to the specified location that the user lives in. Users can report suspicious activity and concerns to caution others as well as comment on posts with any new information or personal experiences based on their zipcode. The app provides resources and tips to ensure that communities are safe. Useful for newcomers and long-term residents alike, the app also includes recommendations for various services and local businesses with ratings and reviews.

Technology Used

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • VSCode
  • Node
  • Express
  • Postresql
  • Draw.io
  • Insomnia
  • CSS

How to Get Started

  • Create a Trello Board to organize and track progress of the project

  • Create an ERD for the backend and a Component Hierarchy Diagram for the frontend

  • Figure out models and schemas: Crimes, Recommendations

  • Research APIs for neighborhoods and zipcodes

  • Set up routes and controllers using Express

  • Set up backend implementing full CRUD operations

  • Set up frontend implementing full CRUD operations

  • Create components with React hooks and pages

    • Components: SignUpSheet, NavBar, Crimes, Recommendations

    • Pages and routes: Home, About, Zipcodes, Map, Safety Tips

  • CSS: style with flexbox or grid

  • Deploy on Heroku




![Image](/Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 11.17.45 AM.png) ![Image](/Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 11.17.33 AM.png)

Future Updates

  • Resources page
  • User auth
  • Upload photos
  • Mobile friendly
  • Events and classes
  • Add Recommendations page


Images: DuckDuckGo

Images: Unsplash

Markdown Guide: ia.net

Markdown Cheatsheet: GitHub