
a web interface for running Rust code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A web interface for running Rust code built using playpen. It is hosted at https://play.rust-lang.org/.

The interface can also be accessed in most Rust-related channels on irc.mozilla.org.

To use Playbot in a public channel, address your message to it. Playbot responds to both playbot and rusti:

<you> playbot: println!("Hello, World");
-playbot:#rust-offtopic- Hello, World
-playbot:#rust-offtopic- ()

You can also private message Playbot your code to have it evaluated. In a private message, don't preface the code with playbot's nickname:

/msg playbot println!("Hello, World");

Running your own Rust-Playpen

System Requirements

Rust-Playpen currently needs to be run on an Arch Linux system that meets playpen's requirements.

The bot requires python 3, which is the default on Arch.

IRC Bot Setup

playbot on Mozilla IRC is run from a Rust-Playpen instance where Python dependencies are installed system-wide. Get the latest versions of pyyaml, requests, and irc from Pip.

Create shorten_key.py

The bot uses bitly as a URL shortener. Get an OAuth access token, and put it into a file called shorten_key.py, in the same directory as bot.py. shorten_key.py just needs one line, of the form:

key = "123abc123"

Create irc.yaml

You'll also need to create the file irc.yaml in the same directory as bot.py. The IRC nick that the bot will use is hard-coded in bot.py. This configuration assumes that the bot's nick is registered, and includes the nick's password. The irc.yaml file will look something like this:

   - server: irc.example.org
      port: 6667
        - "#bots"
        - "#secret-clubhouse"
      keys: [null, "hunter2"]
      password: abc123abc

Note that the channel key is null for public channels.

Registering and starting services

The working playpen has the IRC and Web services set up to automatically start at boot:


Description=Rust code evaluation sandbox (irc bots)




Description=Rust code evaluation sandbox (web frontend)




Description=Playpen sandbox root updater



Description=Playpen sandbox root update scheduler



If the services fail to start, kick them:

$ systemctl restart rust-playpen-irc.service
$ systemctl restart rust-playpen-web.service