
npm install



npm start -- <options...> - start bacnet-server for single ede-file
npm run build-docker - build docker image of bacnet-server
npm run start-docker-service -- <options...> - start simulation for a folder of ede-files, 
with wrapping each bacnet-server instance with docker container


Start options

  • --port <port> (by default 47808): port of the server.
  • --filePath <file_path>: path to the EDE file.
  • --reqDelay <delay> (by default 20 ms): timeout between end of old request and start of new request.
  • --reqThread <thread> (by default 1): number of concurrent unicast requests to the one IP:PORT.

Docker service options

  • --port <port> (by default 47808): port of the server.
  • --dirPath <dir_path> (by default ./edefiles): path to the EDE files directory.
  • --outputAddr <output_address>: ip address of the remote thing-it-bacnet-device to connect.
  • --outputPort <output_port (by default 47808): port of remote thing-it-bacnet-device to connect.


Application implements two types of units:

  • native units - implements simulation logic to change properties of the BACnet Objects by the algorithms of the BACnet protocol.
  • custom units - implements simulation logic of custom devices. Eg: noop, function, thermostat, light etc.

Custom units


Implements the No operation logic. It sets as default value for cust.-unit-type column in EDE files.

Aliases: '', default, 0, noop.


  • default (aliasses: '', default): implements the No operation logic.


Implements the distribution (mathematics) logic.

Aliases: 1, fn, func, function.


  • uniform (aliases: '', default, 0, unif, uniform, uniformDistribution): implements the logic of changes of Present Value property by uniform distribution.
  • normal (aliases: 1, gaus, gaussian, norm, normal, normalDistribution): implements the logic of changes of Present Value property by normal distribution.


Implements the BACNet thermostat logic.

Aliases: 2, th, thermo, thermostat.


  • setpoint-feedback (aliases: 0, setpointFeedback, setpoint-feedback, setpointFb, setpoint-fb): implements the logic of thermostat's setpointFeedbackObject of Analog Value type. Returns the value of the current thermostat setpoint.
  • setpoint-modification (aliases: 1, setpointModification, setpoint-modification, setpointMod, setpoint-mod): implements the logic of thermostat's setpointModificationObject of Analog Value type. When its own Present Value has been changed, increases/decreases the Present Value property of setpoint-feedback object on its own Present Vlaue property value.
  • temperature (aliases: 2, temperature): implements the logic of thermostat's temperatureObject of Analog Value type. Returns the simulated value of the area's tempreture. When setpoint is set, changes the temperature Object's Present Value property by 0,1 until it fit the setpoint value.
  • mode (aliases: 3, mode): implements the logic of thermostat's modeObject of MultiState Value type. Represents the mode of the thermostats with two possible states: HEAT(when the temperature increases and sepoint > temperature) or COOL(when the temperature decreases and sepoint < temperature).


Implements the BACNet light logic.

Aliases: 3, light.


  • level-feedback (aliases: 0, levelFeedback, level-feedback, lvlFb, lvl-fb): implements the logic of light's levelFeedbackObject of Analog Value type. Returns the value of the current dimmer level.
  • level-modification (aliases: 1, levelModification, lvl-modification, lvlMod, lvl-mod): implements the logic of light's levelModificationObject of Analog Value type. When its own Present Value has been changed, sets its own Present Value to the level-feedback object's Present Value property.
  • state-feedback (aliases: 2, stateFeedback, state-feedback, stateFb, state-fb): implements the logic of light's lightActiveFeedbackObject of MultiState Value type. Return the state of the light, represented by two possible state values: ON or OFF.
  • state-modification (aliases: 3, stateModification, state-modification, state-mod, stateMod): implements the logic of light's lightActiveModificationObject of MultiState Value type. Allows to modify light's state (on or off). When the value has been set to its own Present Value, modifies the state-feedback object's Present Value accordingly.


Implements the BACNet jalousie logic.

Aliases: 4, jal, jalousie.


  • position-feedback (aliases: 0, positionFeedback, position-feedback, posFb, pos-fb): implements the logic of jalousie's positionFeedbackObject of Analog Value type. Returns the value of the jalousie position.
  • position-modification (aliases: 1, positionModification, pos-modification, posMod, pos-mod): implements the logic of jalousie's positionModificationObject of Analog Value type. When its own Present Value has been changed, sends it to the jalousie physical state simulation logic.
  • rotation-feedback (aliases: 2, rotationFeedback, rotation-feedback, rotFb, rot-fb): implements the logic of jalousie's rotationFeedbackObject of Analog Value type. Return the value of the jalousie rotation.
  • rotation-modification (aliases: 3, rotationModification, rotation-modification, rot-mod, rotMod): implements the logic of jalousie's rotationModificationObject of Analog Value type. When its own Present Value has been changed, sends it to the jalousie physical state simulation logic.
  • action (aliases: 4, action, act): implements the logic of jalousie's actionObject of MultiState Value type. Represents the action state of the jalousie ('STOP' or 'MOVE'). When 'MOVE' value, position value & rotation value are received, inits the jalousie physical state modification logic.

EDE file


Aplication processes a specific set of columns. Increasing, decreasing or changing an order in the list of columns provided below will cause errors and unstable work of the application

Native units

Here is a set of native units columns which are correctly processed by the app

  1. #keyname
  2. device obj.-instance
  3. object-name
  4. object-type
  5. object-instance
  6. description
  7. present-value-default
  8. min-present-value
  9. max-present-value
  10. commandable
  11. supports COV
  12. hi-limit
  13. low-limit
  14. state-text-reference
  15. unit-code
  16. vendor-specific-address

Custom units

Application processes next optional EDE columns:

  1. cust.-unit-type
  2. cust.-unit-id
  3. cust.-unit-fn
  4. cust.-min.-value
  5. cust.-max.-value
  6. cust.-freq
  • cust.-unit-type (default: noop): type of the custom unit.
  • cust.-unit-id (default: auto): ID of the custom unit.
  • cust.-unit-fn (default: ''): function of the native unit in the custom unit.
  • cust.-min.-value (default: get from cust.-unit-fn): min value for simulation algorithm.
  • cust.-max.-value (default: get from cust.-unit-fn): max value for simulation algorithm.
  • cust.-freq (default: get from cust.-unit-fn): frequency of changes of values.

File references

Currently, application is unable to process additional file references inside the main EDE file. Entries with object type 10 will be processed as default native units

State texts file


State texts file name should consist of three parts:

  • the same name EDE file have (without .csv extension)
  • separator ( - or _ )
  • one of possible suffix aliases: states, state-texts, States, State-Texts, StateTexts.

State texts file should have a specific set of columns. Decreasing or changing an order in the list of columns provided below will cause errors and incorrect reading of state texts data.

  1. #Reference number,
  2. Text 1 or Inactive-Text,
  3. Text 2 or Active-Text,
  4. Text 3,
  5. Text4,
  6. Text 4,
  7. Text 5,
    ... etc (you can specify as many state texts as you want).


Specify the number of state-text-reference in the corresponding column of the EDE file. The row from state texts file with the same #Reference number will be used for that unit (usually MultiState or Binary).