
OpenO&M Web Service Information Service Bus Model


This ISBM specification defines a SOAP Web Service and a HTTP/JSON REST implementation of the ISA 95.00.06 Messaging Service Model (MSM).

This specification defines a minimal interface subset to message exchange middleware using standard Web Service and REST interfaces. Publish-subscribe and request-response messaging patterns are supported through a consistent and unified model. Message routing is conducted through shared channels and topics, and optionally, XPath/JSONPath filtering for granular content-based filtering. An asynchronous Web Service callback or an asynchronous callback REST service is also provided to clients for notification of received messages. Token-based security for channels is specified to support multiple authorization models, from basic credential exchange to federated identity providers. 

In addition to the services defined by ISA-95.00.06 MSM, this specification includes services for configuration discovery to allow applications to determine their compatibility with a service provider.

The benefit of this implementation specification is that it allows applications to expose a single, standardized interface instead of a custom-built interface for every version and format of message exchange systems. It also allows applications to select REST or Web Services based on the application requirements. The goal is to further interoperability in application to application communications.