
Python class for create UNIX-daemon

Primary LanguagePython

Python Daemon


This class allows you easily create UNIX-daemons.


localhost:~$ pip install -e git+https://github.com/shamanis/python-daemon#egg=python-daemon

Start-up and use

All you need to do - extend Daemon class and override method run().

For example:

import sys
from daemon import Daemon

class MyDaemon(Daemon):
    def run(self):
        while 1:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    daemon = MyDaemon('/tmp/test.pid')
  • To start: localhost:~$ python run.py start

  • To stop: localhost:~$ python run.py stop

  • To restart: localhost:~$ python run.py restart

__init__(self, pidfile, chroot=None, stdin='/dev/null', stdout='/dev/null', stderr='/dev/null', log_level='ERROR')

Class constructor expects only one parameter - a pidfile.

pidfile - is absolute path to PID file of the daemon.

chroot - absolute path to the directory for chroot.If chroot=None chroot is not done.

stdin - Standart stream input. Default /dev/null

stdout - Standart stream output. Default /dev/null

stderr - Standart stream output for errors. Default /dev/null

log_level - Log level. Default ERROR. Possible values DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.


This method must be implemented.

handle(self, argv=sys.argv)

This method handles the command line arguments - sys.argv