#### Help Document Of Programming-Test-Platform	######
####        Author:   shawzt                    ######
####        Built :   2012/04/15                ######
####        Version:  1.5.0                     ######
I am honored that you have been reading this document !

Programming-Test-Platform is a project of java web ,which 
was designed and developed by Xiaozhengtao .This project is designed to provide such function :simple OJ,online examination .
It aims to service for HHUC .

I am glad that you can join in this project .Before you start to add something  to source code ,you have to do something following next steps.
	2.1:Make sure that your computer has installed MySQL. 
	2.2:create database using db_ptp.sql
	2.3:delete all data in db_ptp using clean.sql.(Just in case) 
	[In order to execute .sql,you should logon MySQL.]
	[Then use command :source path/xxx.sql]
Congratulation !You have prepare everything except those develop tools.

If you prepare to be a member of this project ,please let me know .
If you submit this project to GitHub which includes any modification ,please let me know .
Email: shawzt@gmail.com