
Spout Plugin for Unreal Engine

Primary LanguageC++

Modification of original plugin by AleDel with UE versions 4.19+.

This was tested with:

  • 4.19
  • 4.20
  • 4.21
  • 4.22
  • 4.23
  • 4.24
  • 4.25


This is a Spout Plugin for Unreal Engine. It allows you to send and receive textures using Spout framework.

Installation and Use

Clone the repository in your Plugin folder.

If you don't know what 'clone' means, then just download the whole repository, unzip it and put the code in Plugins folder (for example "yourproject/Plugins/Spout-UE4"). For detailed instructions please refer to Unreal Engine 4 and Lightact Video Tutorials. This video is a good step-by-step walkthrough of how to set up your project for use with the plugin.

Sending Spout

This is done with the Spout sender node which has can send texture either from the Game viewport or from a Render Targert 2D:

  • Game Viewport sends the image of the viewport, but please note that it doesn't work in standalone or packaged game.
  • TextureRenderTarget2D in which case you should create a SceneCaptureComponent2D and a Render target 2D which you should reference in the node.

Use Close Sender node to close Spouts. The best way is to connect it to Event EndPlay node.

Working sample

On Lightact website you can download Lightact & Unreal Engine Sample Project. It has both this and Lightact plugin enabled.

Packaged game

To make this plugin work in a packaged game you have to disable using 'pak' files. You do that by:

  1. going to File->Package project->Packaging settings
  2. once there uncheck 'Use Pak File' checkbox

This is only necessary if you are using the Mat pin on the Spout Receiver node.


If you are a Lightact user, please refer to Lightact Answerhub.