Devise - PAM Authentication

devise_pam_authenticatable is a Devise ( extension for authenticating using PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modulues) via the rpam gem.

This allows you to authenticate against the local hosts authentication system including local account usernames and passwords.

There are obvious security risks with using PAM authentication via a web-based application. Make sure you at least use SSL to keep usernames and passwords encrypted via HTTPS.


In the Gemfile for your application:

gem "devise_pam_authenticatable"

Or, to use the latest from github:

gem "devise_pam_authenticatable", :git => "git://"


The devise_pam_authenticatable extension required the use of 'username' as the login credential (not email). Make sure your Devise model is using 'username' and not 'email'.

In your Devise model, ensure the following is present:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  devise :pam_authenticatable

  # Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model
  attr_accessible :username, :password



If the RAILS_ENV (environment) is set to 'test' then devise_pam_authenticatable will authenticate a user logging in as testadmin with password test


Released under the MIT license

Copyright (c) 2011 James Wilson, LithiumCorp Pty Ltd