
An apt-get-like manager for downloading github repos

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


hub-get is like apt-get or npm, but for github repositories. It uses the github api v3 for basic repo searches, and can install (git clone) and list copied projects.

What hub-get is not

hub-get does not do the following

  • create repos
  • deal with issues, friends, stars, gists
  • basically any github api resource other than repository search

What hub-get is

hub-get is a way to clone easily search and clone repositories from the console while keeping them neatly organized by user in a common directory.

It is also a fun side-project, and is not intending (or pretending) to be on the same level as the aforementioned legitimate package and repository managers. The purpose is to sharpen my bash, learn from mistakes and feedback, and have something semi-useful at the same time.


A checkout contains install and uninstall, neither of which take arguments. Run them to perform the desired action. Please note that the behavior is different if you run as root.

$ ./install
Installing as regular user. bash_completion not included (requires root).
Symlinked hub-get.sh to ~/bin/hub-get 
copied default.cfg to ~/.hubget.cfg

Install complete!

$ sudo ./install
Installing as root.
Symlinked ~/hub-get.sh to /usr/local/bin/hub-get
copied default.cfg to /etc/hubget/hubget.cfg
installed /etc/bash_completion.d/hubget

Install complete!


The uninstall script will cleanly reverse the actions of install, taking into account the user context for which it is executed (root v regular user).

The repository checkout destination remains untouched, preserving anything you've downloaded.

Using hub-get

$ hub-get --help
hub-get - github "package" manager
	hub-get <action> <repo>
	actions:  get remove upgrade list configure
	repo: username/project,  ie bibby/hub-get


hub-get uses a user config file at ~/.hub-get.cfg. If it does not exist, one will be created when you set a custom parameter. The default location for downloaded repos is ~/github. To change this, issue the configure command to set repo.dir:

hub-get configure repo.dir ~/repos

In order to use the search feature, you will first have to get a personal OAuth token from github. Once obtained, you may configure that as github.oauth:

hub-get configure github.oauth '0bc4d33...'


Search for projects by keyword

hub-get search "options parser"

The output of which is similar to the following:

| Project:  optconfig
| User:  tmtm
| Language:  Ruby
| URL:  https://github.com/tmtm/optconfig
| About:  Command line option parser
| Project:  OptionParserWithFileOption
| User:  bianchimro
| Language:  Python
| URL:  https://github.com/bianchimro/OptionParserWithFileOption
| About:  An extension of python optparse.OptionParser to read options and arguments from a file
| Project:  scala-optparse
| User:  frugalmechanic
| Language:  Scala
| URL:  https://github.com/frugalmechanic/scala-optparse
| About:  Command line option parsing for scala

get (install, clone)

To clone a project, call hub-get install {user}/{project}

$ hub-get install bibby/hub-get

Commands clone and get are aliases of install.

The repository will be cloned into {repo.dir}/{user}/{project}. Using the defaults, this would create ~/github/bibby/hub-get.


To list the repos you've cloned, call hub-get list

$ hub-get list

You can also list projects for a single user

$ hub-get list christopher-barry

upgrade (pull)

To get the latest version of a project, call hub-get upgrade {user}/{project}

$ hub-get upgrade bibby/hub-get

Command pull is an alias of upgrade, since that's what it actually does.


Remove a project with hub-get remove {user}/{project} or by its aliases rm, del, or delete.


hub-get uses project sscfg for configuration management. You are invited to contribute to that project as well.

Also used is JSON.sh, which was forked from dominictarr to maintain stability, as it is an active project.


I'm no bash expert, and often do not consider environments other than Ubuntu. So I openly invite pull requests, issues, and other communication regarding this program; particularly when it comes to portability and overall bash style.