
Twitch API module

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python module for pulling data from the Twitch.tv APIs (kraken, tmi, rechat).


pip install itch


Starting in August 2016, the kraken API will require an application client id. If the environment variable TWITCH_CLIENT_ID is set, itch will use this. There is no default value, but you can use the APIs without one until August; after which you will have to supply your own.


itch models wrap their own API endpoints, so most items can be loaded by name using the static get method, and used as dictionaries. It'd be wise to familiarize yourself with the return values from the kraken v3 resources, as most keys (like id and name) are not explicitly mentioned in the module, but read from json and made into a dict.

>>> from itch.models import Channel
>>> c = Channel.get('itmejp')
>>> c.followers
>>> c.created_at
datetime.datetime(2010, 2, 28, 9, 30, 51)

All dates are made into timezone-absent datetime instances. Nested objects are usually rolled into specialized classes of their own.


Lists of objects, where API paging is involved is done through generators, allowing you to seamlessly iterate over every item of a collection.

>>> for follow in c.list_following():
...     print follow.created_at, follow.channel.name
2011-03-04 03:16:19 giantbomb
2012-10-17 02:36:20 day9tv
2014-01-18 02:14:50 greenspeak
2014-01-20 00:50:58 towelliee
2014-07-16 05:42:50 camiwins
2014-07-28 23:31:00 incontroltv
... <snip>


Video objects can reprint chat, if the VOD is still available on twitch.tv .

>>> for video in c.past_streams():
...     for chatline in video.chat_replay():
...         print "[%s] %s: %s" % (video.id, chatline['from'], chatline.message)
...         break
...     break
[v80935574] mwthecool: Hey everyone!


Channel method get_chatters can pull real-time chatters, moderators, and admins.

>>> map(str, c.get_chatters().moderators)
['crosseye_jack', 'gray_mask', 'itmebot', 'itmejp', 'reginaldxiv', 'strippin', 'tahkai11', 'zodiacviii']


Currently, only a file-based cache adapter is ready. Adapters for redis and memcached are planned for future releases. Cache keys are the sha256 of URLs with query parameters, and the values are compressed responses. To add a cache adapter, plug a CacheInterface compliant subclass directly to the itch.TwitchAPI before making requests.

from cache.filetree import FileTreeCache
from itch import TwitchAPI



The FileTreeCache accepts the optional environment variable TWITCH_CACHE_TEMP to set the cache path on disk.


rcache.RedisCache requires the pip module redis, which is not installed by itch. Starting with itch 0.3, the required modules can be installed by pip installing itch[cache] or itch[complete]. This cache makes use the following environment variables:

REDIS_HOST (default: localhost)
REDIS_PORT (default: 6379)
REDIS_PASSWORD (default: '')
REDIS_DB (default: 1)


mcache.MemcacheCache requires the pip module python-memcached, which is not installed by itch. This cache makes use the MEMCACHE_SERVERS environment variable, which should be a comma separated list of <host>:<port> items. The default value is

Starting with itch 0.3, the required modules can be installed by pip installing itch[cache] or itch[complete].


The command line tool prints tab-separated reports that are suitable for the plotter.

$ itch -h
usage: itch [-h] [-d {asc,desc}] [-l LIMIT] [-c {file,redis,memcache}]

Twitch.tv APIs module

positional arguments:
  channel               channel

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d {asc,desc}, --direction {asc,desc}
                        sorting direction
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        number of items to pull
  -c {file,redis,memcache}, --cache {file,redis,memcache}
                        cache type. See README for required env vars


The cli tool itch-plot renders charts with data extracted from the itch CLI or other custom tools. The module requires the pip modules matplotlib and scipy, which is not installed by itch (because numpy).

Starting with itch 0.3, the required modules can be installed by pip installing itch[plot] or itch[complete].

$ itch-plot -h
usage: itch-plot [-h] [-x XFIELD] [-y YFIELD] [-m XMIN] [-M XMAX] [-n YMIN]
                 [-N YMAX] [-d DELIMITER] [-r] [-s] [-S STREAMS]
                 [-t {scatter,line,mixed}] [-l LABEL] [-T TITLE] [-D]
                 [infile] [outfile]

plot generator

positional arguments:
  infile                InFile
  outfile               OutFile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -x XFIELD             X axis field name
  -y YFIELD             Y axis field name
  -m XMIN, --xmin XMIN  min x value
  -M XMAX, --xmax XMAX  maz x value
  -n YMIN, --ymin YMIN  yin x value
  -N YMAX, --ymax YMAX  max y value
  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
                        field delimiter
  -r, --record          print whole record (for saving subsets)
  -s, --silent          skip printouts
  -S STREAMS, --streams STREAMS
                        streams json
  -t {scatter,line,mixed}, --type {scatter,line,mixed}
                        graph type
  -l LABEL, --label LABEL
                        x label
  -T TITLE, --title TITLE
                        chart title
  -D, --density         Density coloration; much slower renders

Example data pull and chart render:

# dump the last 1K followers to a file
itch -l 1000 -c file followers burkeblack > followers.csv

# dump the last 20 streams to a file
itch -l 20 -c file loots_streams burkeblack > streams.csv

# plot the followers while overlaying the streams,
# trimming the viewport and setting a title.
itch-plot -sS streams.csv -m '2016-07-25' -M '2016-08-01' \
-T 'BurkeBlack - last 1K' followers.csv plot.png

Here is the resulting graph


Focused on my own use-cases, kraken v3 resources are not completely covered. This initial release of itch does not currently work with subscribers or subscriptions, games, or top stream lists.