
Loose python framework for kickass redis patterns

Primary LanguagePython

Kickass-Redis - a loose framework of Redis based data solutions

This project aims to create a repository of useful python libraries built on top of redis (and using each other), to automate data modeling with Redis.

##For discussion, help and contributing code - join the google group at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kickass-redis

Redis is relatively low level, and while it is simple to start using, getting a good knowledge of how to model problems with it in an efficient way can be tricky. So I've created this project to wrap common use cases, into a loose framework of redis based solutions for real world problems.

The project has started out as a bunch of code examples for a presentation I recently gave on IL Tech Talks, that can be found here: http://www.slideshare.net/dvirsky/kicking-ass-with-redis


Option 1:

  1. Clone this repo or download the sources

  2. cd kickass-redis

  3. python setup.py build

  4. sudo python setup.py install

Option 2:

sudo pip install kickass_redis


To kick things off, the framework includes the following components:


a fast yet simple ORM (well, OM actually) that automates creation, indexing and searching for complex objects using redis.

Indexes include: simple string index, numeric index that supports sorting and ranges, simplistic full text index, and a unique key.


from kickass_redis.patterns.object_store.objects import IndexedObject, KeySpec
from kickass_redis.patterns.object_store.indexing import UnorderedKey, OrderedNumericalKey
from kickass_redis.patterns.object_store.condition import Condition

class User(IndexedObject):

    #which fields should be saved to redis
    _spec = ('id', 'name', 'email', 'pwhash', 'registrationDate', 'score')

    #The keys for this object
    _keySpec = KeySpec(
        OrderedNumericalKey(prefix='users', field='score')

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        IndexedObject.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.registrationDate = int(kwargs.get('registrationDate', time.time()))

#Creating a user
user = User(email = 'user@domain.com', name = 'John Doe', pwhash = 'eabc626ec26bc6ae6cb2', score = 100)

#loading by name key
users =  User.get(Condition({'name': 'John Doe'}))

#loading by id:
users = User.loadObjects((1,))

#See example/users_example for a more detailed exmample and some benchmarks


efficient unique value counter (to be used mostly as a unique users counter) with time slots, making use of redis bitmaps.

It makes use of new redis-2.6 commands BITCOUNT and BITOP, so it will not function on redis-2.4.


from kickass_redis.patterns.bitmap_counter import BitmapCounter

#Daily unique users counter
counter = BitmapCounter('unique_users', timeResolutions=(BitmapCounter.RES_DAY,))

#sampling current user

#Getting the unique user count for today
counter.getCount((time.time(),), counter.RES_DAY)

#Getting cohort analysis on your users for the past week
week = tuple((int(time.time() - i*86400) for i in  xrange(7, 0, -1)))
print counter.cohortAnalysis(week, counter.RES_DAY)

#Getting funnel analysis on your users for the past week
print counter.funnelAnalysis(week, counter.RES_DAY)

###New: It now also supports mapping of non sequential or non numeric ids to incemental ids, that makes it memory optimized.


A convenience wrapper that allows you to edit, precache and call Lua scripts available in redis-2.6, as if they were native python functions.


let mult.lua contain the code:

local val = ARGV[1]*ARGV[2]
redis.call('set', KEYS[1], val)
return redis.call('get', KEYS[1])

Running it from python:

import redis
from kickass_redis.patterns.lua import LuaCall, LuaScriptError
conn = redis.Redis()

#Define the call, and make it runn on our connection
mult = LuaCall(open('mult.lua'), conn)

#Call it once:
print "Result: %s" % mult(keys = ('foor',), args = (3,10))

#call it again
print "Result: %s" % mult(keys = ('foor2',), args = (5,20))


Used in the object store, this can also be used standalone, as a centralized unique, incremental id generator using redis. To optimize performance, it reserves in local memory many ids when accessing redis, which can be tuned.


A unit-test like set of assertions about redis data to be used to validate the data inside a redis database.



from kickass_redis.patterns.redis_unit import RedisDataTest

class MyTest(RedisDataTest):

    def testSomeStuff(self):

        self.assertPrefixCount('users:*', minAmount=100000)
        self.assertKeysType(self.test.T_HASH, 'users:1')
        self.assertHashValue('users:1', 'name', self.equals('John'))

test = MyTest('localhost', 6379)

To follow soon:

  • geo search

  • full text search

  • hierarchical counters

  • MySQL data sync

  • Generic expiring object cache.

Feel free to contribute more recipes...

#Project TODO:

  1. Add unit tests for all objects

  2. Add geo-key