I have used SimpleXLSX class 0.8.12 (Official) to parse xlsx file. Read more about it in here
Bibek Sharma Timalsina
Hey, guys, please ★ the package for my motivation :)
- Just install apache. (You can use xampp or mamp or wamp).
- Run apache server
- Clone this repo in htdocs folder.
- Change the content of provided excel.xlsx file according to your requirement
- Use url like: http://localhost/xlsx/excel.php?platform=android&lang=japanese
- Copy paste the content produced in your string files.
- You can add languages in xlsx file, just make sure the value in "lang" you provide in url is same as you add in xlsx file's first row.
- Platforms are "ios" and "android"
eg. http://localhost/xlsx/excel.php?platform=ios&lang=japanese following is the sample output:
"select_language" = "言語選択";
"select_nationality" = "国籍選び";
"about_plan" = "プランの違いについて";
"toc" = "利用規約について";
"free_plan" = "フリープラン";
"use_without_registration" = "全員登録無して利用する";
"normal_plan" = "ノーマルプラン";
"user_with_registration" = "全員登録をして利用する";
"login" = "ログイン";
"already_signup" = "すでにアカウントをお持ちの方";
"search" = "検索";
"next" = "次へ";
"normal_plan_registration" = "ノーマルプラン登録";
"icon" = "アイコン";
"username" = "ユーザーネーム";
"mail" = "メールアドレス";
"signup" = "ノーマルプランに登録する";
"back" = "もどる";
eg. http://localhost/xlsx/excel.php?platform=android&lang=japanese Following is the sample output
<string name="KEYS">japanese</string>
<string name="select_language">言語選択</string>
<string name="select_nationality">国籍選び</string>
<string name="about_plan">プランの違いについて</string>
<string name="toc">利用規約について</string>
<string name="free_plan">フリープラン</string>
<string name="use_without_registration">全員登録無して利用する</string>
<string name="normal_plan">ノーマルプラン</string>
<string name="user_with_registration">全員登録をして利用する</string>
<string name="login">ログイン</string>
<string name="already_signup">すでにアカウントをお持ちの方</string>
<string name="search">検索</string>
<string name="next">次へ</string>
<string name="normal_plan_registration">ノーマルプラン登録</string>
<string name="icon">アイコン</string>
<string name="username">ユーザーネーム</string>
<string name="mail">メールアドレス</string>
<string name="signup">ノーマルプランに登録する</string>
<string name="back">もどる</string>