
Akka hands-on exercise for the lecture Distributed Data Analytics

Primary LanguageJava

Akka Examples

Akka hands-on exercise for the lecture Distributed Data Analytics.


  1. Password Cracking: What are the students’ clear-text passwords?
  2. Gene Analysis: Which student pairs share the longest gene sub-strings?


students.csv with the following columns:

  1. Id: Unique id of the student.
  2. Name: Name of the student.
  3. Password Hash: SHA-256 hash of the student's password. Passwords are numeric and length seven.
  4. Gene: Gene sequence of the student.


  1. Build a fatjar using gradle shadowJar or run from inside your IDE.
  2. Run the main method with the following program arguments:
    • --path <path to students.csv> - Path to the input csv file. Required.
    • --task [passwords|genes|all] - Which task to run. Optional, defaults to all.
    • --workers <number of local workers> - Number of workers to spawn locally. Optional, defaults to 4.