Instruction to run the program.

_ Steps _

  1. Clone or Fork the Repo.

  2. Use any code editor to make changes to the equation that you want to work with. Since the Programs are built to find the root of the equations (Mathematical), the equations shall be changed as per the need inside the program code.

  3. use gcc to compile the program. If you are using terminal or command prompt to compile the progam, use gcc else there is direct options to compile in modern IDES. To compile using gcc do this: gcc program_name.c -o DesiredOutputName eg: gcc bisection.c -o bisection

    if you are about to do some trignometic equations do this to avoid further progblems. gcc program_name.c -o DesiredOutPutName -lm eg: gcc bisection.c -o bisection -lm

    _ The -lm means you are telling the compiler to link to math library _

  4. There is output in the screen.
