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iOS interview questions

List of iOS interview question which collected from real world interviews

The Concurrency

  • How do we achieve concurrency in iOS
  • What is GCD
  • Explain sync and async
  • Ever face any race condition in iOS. Explain with example
  • What is DispatchQueue
  • Explain sync and async of DispatchQueue
  • Types of DispatchQueues
  • What is quality of services
  • Explain a scenario where we can use DispatchGroup
  • What is DispatchWorkItem
  • Why we need Operations
  • Predict output of the codes
  • Explain semaphore in Swift
  • What is target quenes in iOS

Memory Management

  • Please explain memory management in iOS
  • What is ARC. Explain the working
  • What is strong references
  • Will ARC only works with classes?
  • Explain memory leak in iOS
  • How do we find memory leak in iOS
  • What is weak and unowned. Explain the difference
  • What are the best practices you can use to handle memory management in iOS?
  • When to use unowned

The Debugging

  • Explain your experinece in with debugging
  • What is LLD
  • How do we test the low network scenario in iOS
  • How do you track crash happened in production

Custom types

  • Difference between Struct and Class
  • How do we choose between class and structure
  • Is array refernce type or value stype? What about strings?
  • What is copy on write
  • What is value type and reference type
  • Stack vs heap allocation
  • What kind of memory allocation is used for struct and why

The performance

  • How would you optimize the performance and scrolling smoothness of the table view? #7

The protocols

  • How to create a generic protocol in Swift #13
  • What is Protocol - Composition and Protocol - Extension
  • How how to give default implementation for protocol methods

The core

  • Explain the design principle that you follows while developing a software #12
  • Design patterns used in development

The Access control

  • Difference between fileprivate and private
  • Explain access control in swift
  • Difference between internal and public
  • Difference between open and public

The Extension

  • Advantage of using extensions
  • Can we create a stored property in extension and how we can create it

The Closure

  • Explain closure and types
  • What is capture list in Swift? Explain with example
  • Explain the difference between Escaping and Non-Escaping Closures in Swift
  • Is closure reference type

The Optionals

  • What is the type of optional in Swift? How are they used and why are they significant
  • Explain optionals unwrapping
  • How do you handle absense of a value in Swift
  • What is Optional binding and optional chaining
  • If optionals are not there, How would you create one

The Generics

  • What is generics
  • How do we create a generic func which only works with a particular type in Swift
  • Can we create generic protocols

The System Design

Asking relevent question to interviewer is the key when it comes to system design

  • How do you create an Authentication module
  • Design a news app with two screens

The Behaviour

  • What do you check in the PR reviews
  • What is your thoughts on using third party libraries
  • A challenging situation in last 6 months
  • Why did you left the previous company
  • What motivates you to work at current company
  • Why are you leaving the current company
  • Why should we hire you
  • Role and responsibilities
  • What are your expectaions for next role
  • How do you resolve conflict with a collegue
  • Share a situation when you were under pressure
  • Share a situation where you take risk
  • Share an experience about a failure