
A demonstration of how we can implement and test MVVM in iOS with dependency injection

Primary LanguageSwift

Planetz App

  • Tech Used - Swift | UIKit | XCTestCase | Programatic AutoLayout

  • The app displays list of Planets data from https://swapi.dev/api/planets.

  • Added project level and target level xcconfigs.

  • Testcoverage - 89.1%

  • Used persistance UserDefault to store the data for offline support.

  • Architecture used is MVVM. No third party libraries are used in the app.

  • Used Dependency injection for decoupling, testability, reusability etc.

  • Used progrmatic UI with UIKit and AutoLayout for constructing and configuring the views.

  • To run unit tests, open Xcode and select Product > Test

  • Basic project stucture

    • AppAsset
    • Main
    • Source
      • Features
        • Feature1
          • ViewModel
          • Models
          • Views
          • Controllers
      • Networking
        • Adapters
      • Components
      • Utils
      • DataStore
      • Resources

To Run The Planetz App

Clone this repo

git clone git@github.com:bibin-jaimon/Planetz.git
cd Planetz
xed Planetz

Make sure you are in development brach to run the app with latest changes.

Future features and improvements

  • Autoloading more data when reach end of list.
  • Add more screens like planet details, people list & details, etc.
  • Pagination for showing more data.
  • Loading state improvements. Eg: Skelton View
  • Improve the loacal store from UserDefault to CoreData
  • Splitscreen for iPad flow.

Open Planetz.xcodeproj/ and select Planetz scheme to run the app.

Contact: bibinjaimon@gmail.com