
Python-based Dynamic DNS client for CloudFlare.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Yet Another Dynamic DNS Client

Dynamic DNS Client for CloudFlare written in Python

Unless you have a static public IP address, this is probably the most reliable way to ensure your servers are always accessible to you over the Internet.


  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6 records (A, AAAA)
  • Supports multiple domains with multiple hosts per domain
  • Simultaneous IPv4 and IPv6 support for single host
  • No third party libraries used. Only standard python libs.
  • Works with Python 2 and 3
  • Designed to run on any OS that supports Python (i.e. not dependent on any OS specific tools)
  • Only makes changes to CloudFlare's zone files when necessary. Stores last IP address of each host in config file.
  • Simple JSON config file
  • Automatically collects and saves the zone and host IDs if missing.

Simple JSON config file:

 "domains": [
   "hosts": [
     "id": "", 
     "ipv4": "", 
     "ipv6": "", 
     "name": "HOST_NAME_HERE e.g. www", 
     "types": ["A"]
   "id": "", 
   "name": "DOMAIN_NAME_HERE e.g. myserver.com"
 "user": {
  "api_key": "CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY_HERE", 

Getting Started:

  1. Download and place the cf-ddns.py and cf-ddns.conf files somewhere on your server (e.g. /usr/local/bin/ or ~/).
  2. Open the cf-ddns.conf file in a text editor and specify your email address, API key, domain name, and host name. The record type is set to A by default. Change it to AAAA or add AAAA to the list if necessary.
  3. Set +x permission to the script for your user by running chmod +x /PATH_TO_FILE/cf-ddns.py
  4. Run crontab -e and append this line to it: */5 * * * * /PATH_TO_FILE/cf-ddns.py >/dev/null 2>&1. be sure to change the path to match your setup.
  5. That's it :)


  • New features and code improvements are welcomed
  • If you find a bug please create a GitHub issue for it