This repository and its content has been created for the training "Intelligent App". Its content is described below. The trainings take place all over Western Europe. Note that the content of the repository will not be kept up to date after all the trainings took place.
Country | Dates (2018) | Trainer | Registration |
Austria | Jan. 09th + 10th | Rainer Stropek, Marc Müller | Registration... |
Belgium | Jan. 30th + 31st | Rainer Stropek | Registration... |
Denmark | Feb. 05th + 06th | Marc Müller | Registration... |
Finland | Mar. 27th + 28th | Rainer Stropek | Registration... |
Ireland | Feb. 26th + 27th | Marc Müller | Registration... |
Italy | Mar. 05th + 06th | Marc Müller | Registration... |
Netherlands | Feb. 06th + 07th | Rainer Stropek | Registration... |
Norway | Apr. 23rd + 24th | Rainer Stropek | |
Portugal | Jan. 22nd + 23rd | Marc Müller | Registration... |
Spain | TBD | Rainer Stropek, Marc Müller | |
Sweden | Feb. 13th + 14th | Rainer Stropek | Registration... |
Switzerland | Feb. 01st + 02nd | Marc Müller | Registration... |
You can find slide decks with related content in OneDrive.
You find the exercises of the training in the Exercises folder.
The training outline is available in Excel.
In this workshop, you will learn how to...
- automate resource creation with Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and refine your CI/CD processes with our Open Source friendly Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS),
- leverage the power of Microservices and Serverless computing (Azure Functions, Logic Apps),
- increase user satisfaction with a powerful monitoring and telemetry tool like Application Insights,
- create reliable and performant Apps with data stored in Azure SQL Database and Cosmos DB,
- containerize your .NET or .NET core app using Docker and Azure App Service,
- enrich your Java or .NET apps with various Cognitive Services,
- adapt new UI paradigms and implement a solution based on Microsoft’s Bot Framework.
The training is a combination of approx. 60% presentations with embedded demos and 40% hands-on time where you have your fingers on the keyboard and try what you have learned. Those who are new to the topics can follow a provided hands-on lab guide step by step. In areas you are already familiar with, you can put the guides to the side and create an individual sample with the latest tools and technologies.
Attendees should already have basic knowledge about Visual Studio, .NET and C#. Detailed knowledge about the latest versions of these tools, frameworks and languages is not required.
In all workshop blocks, it is up to the presenters to decide whether the exercises are done in the form of demos (video beamer) or as hands-on labs. The decision should be made based on the size of the audience, the available time, and the prior knowledge of the attendees. The exercises do not form a single, continuous sample. Instead, the concepts use small, independent demos/labs. This should enable focusing on communicating the core messages instead of having to permanently talk about the overall context of a large sample. Additionally, participants have a chance to fully understand the samples instead of just looking at isolated pieces of a large, prepared codebase.
You will need your own laptop to do the hands-on labs. `
Note that most of the hands-on labs can be done on macOS and Linux, too. However, the trainings do not have in-depth knowledge about macOS and can therefore not provide technical assistance during the training.
Detailed prerequisites can be found in the introduction slide deck.