"This is the code and data release of the 2018 IJCAI paper 《Domain adapatation via Tree Kernel Based Maximus Mean Discrepancy for User Consumption Intention Identification》"

Primary LanguagePython


pytorch : Version 0.2.0 tqdm : Version 4.19.4 pyltp : Version:


  1. Download the ltp model version 3.3.1: https://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1988562907&uk=2738088569#list/path=%2F 'pos.model' 'cws.model' 'parser.model' is needed and Please put the model in path '/data/ltp_data/'
  2. Download the embedding data : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GwX8lSjthxoveRfxB6k5Cw Please put it in the path "./data/embedding_weibo.data"

The code is runned in three steps:

  1. Use the script file in fold "generate_tree" to pre-precess the origin data. This step can get the depenency tree presentation of the origin data which is saved in the fold "train_tree","phone_tree" etc. command: sh gen_tree.sh We've already provided the output of the script in the zip file
  2. Run the train_source_model.sh to get the ".pkl" model file while can be used to to predict the origin domain data.
    command : sh ./script/train_source_model.sh
  3. Run the trans_train.sh to get the domain transfer answer. command : sh ./script/trans_train.sh