
A super simple docker and Caddy config to route local domain names to services running on host or other docker containers

MIT LicenseMIT


A super simple docker and Caddy config to route local domain names to services running on host or other docker containers. Why?

  1. You get to use https for local domains.
  2. Password managers play nicely when domains are separated vs using localhost for everything.


1. Create an entry manually in /etc/hosts

cat /etc/hosts localhost
::1       localhost myapp1.localhost myapp2.localhost

2. Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/bibstha/local-ssl-proxy.git
cd local-ssl-proxy

3. Copy Caddyfile.example to Caddyfile

cp Caddyfile.example Caddyfile

Or simply create a new file and add the following.

4. Make changes to set the right apps

cat Caddyfile
myapp1.localhost {
  reverse_proxy http://host.docker.internal:PORT_OF_myapp1

myapp2.localhost {
  reverse_proxy http://host.docker.internal:PORT_OF_myapp2

5. Start caddy

docker compose up -d

6. Load your app in the browser


Note: You will have to accept the certificate as trusted as this is self signed by caddy. You will only have to do this once.