
a lightweight alternative to CasperJs for Functional Testing based on QUnit that adds helpful methods for interacting with PhantomJs in support of Javascript UI testing

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PhantomFunctionalTest build status

a lightweight alternative to CasperJs for Functional Testing based on QUnit that adds helpful methods for interacting with PhantomJs in support of Javascript UI testing




using npm you can install this framework into any existing project using the folowing: npm install pft -g

or by cloning this repository and usng npm to install from the cloned directory into your project directory: your/project/dir/> npm install path/to/this/project/


to run you must first have a standard phantomjs script you would like to run and then use: > pft path/to/script.js


  • multithreaded, parallel execution of scripts by simply calling with pft --parallel=N path/to/scripts/**/*.js where 'N' is some number greater than 1 (note this will spawn an instance of PhantomJs for each thread)
  • waitFor and waitUntil functions that help in ensuring selectors are present on a page
  • PFT.BasePage class which serves as a core interface with PhantomJs functions and can easily be extended to support the concept of Test Page Objects
  • can be used with or without node.js
  • PFT.tester module that allows for execution of sequential, asynchronous testing similar to QUnit.asyncTest
  • logging levels set through the PFT.Logger.logLevel property which takes a string of "error", "warn", "info", and "debug" and the PFT.error, PFT.warn, PFT.info, and PFT.debug functions


The basics for creating and running a test with PFT is the use of the PFT.tester.run function. This adds an asynchronous test to the queue and tracks execution and assertions. Ex:

PFT.tester.run("sample test name", function(page, assert) {
  // async operations ...
  assert.done(); // indicates that subsequent tests can be executed

Because the tests are all assumed to be asynchronous, each test must indicate back to the framework that it is complete. This can be done in several ways:

  • assert.done(); indicates that all testing has completed, but does not affect the pass / fail / error counts for the test
  • assert.pass(); indicates that all testing has completed successfully and increments the pass count by 1
  • assert.fail(); indicates that all testing has completed unsuccessfully and increments the fail count by 1
  • assert.isTrue(false); indicates that a failure has occurred and the test should halt and increments the fail count by 1
  • javascript error in the test indicates that the test should halt and increments the error count by 1

Using PFT.BasePage in tests

the PFT.BasePage class provides much of the helper functions for interacting with a web UI. The documentation will contain the most detailed information on usage and extending this class, but for the basics see the following example:

// optional suite
PFT.tester.suite("sample suite name", {
    // optional setup will run before each test
    setup: function(done) {
        // do setup...
    // optional teardown will run after each test
    teardown: function(done) {
        // do teardown...

PFT.tester.run("sample test name", function(page, assert) {
  var basePage = new PFT.BasePage(page, "http://sample.com");
  basePage.registerKeyElement('.sampleHeader'); // CSS selector for elements containing the 'sampleHeader' class
  basePage.registerKeyElement('.sampleFooter'); // CSS selector for elements containing the 'sampleFooter' class
  // navigate to 'http://sample.com'
  basePage.open(function (success, errMessage) {
    assert.isTrue(success, errMessage); // exits test if 'success' === false
    // ensure page contains expected 'key' elements
    basePage.checkValidity(function (valid, errMessage) {
      assert.isTrue(valid, errMessage); // exits test if 'valid' === false
      assert.done(); // exits test and closes the current page
      // anything below here will not be run

Extending PFT.BasePage

The PFT.BasePage class can be easily extended to help model your page objects. Ex:

function HomePage(page) {
  PFT.BasePage.call(this, page, 'http://hompage.com');
  this.HEADERLINK_CSS = '.header';
HomePage.prototype = Object.create(PFT.BasePage.prototype);
HomePage.prototype.constructor = HomePage;