
Unity QuadSphere with Level of Detail subdivision

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


@Created: 29 Oct. 2018 (Unity version)

@Updated: 2023 (Threejs & @react-three/fiber)

@Author: Jason Holt Smith (bicarbon8@gmail.com)


A QuadSphere (a sphere made up of a mesh cube whose vertices are adjusted into a spherical shape) with QuadTree-based level of detail support.



npm install quadsphere


a @react-three/fiber compatible THREE.Mesh that can be used directly from the Canvas to render a QuadSphere


all @react-three/fiber MeshProps are supported in addition to the following:

  • radius one half the number of units width of the rendered QuadSphere (without factoring in any displacement material offsets)
  • segments the number of divisions plus edges in each direction of each Quad of the QuadSphere (i.e. a value of 3 means one division and two edges when all sides activated). values must be odd numbers starting from 3 or greater
  • maxlevel the maximum depth minus 1, starting from 0 meaning no subdivision allowed, that each Quad in the QuadSphere can be. a value of 2 means that the top-level Quad can be subdivided as can it's child quads, but no further subdivision is allowed
  • textureMapping a value of either unified (default) or split which indicates the type of UVs to generate for the QuadSphere. if unified then an unwrapped cube texture should be used example, but if split then six separate materials should be supplied each mapping to a face of the QuadSphere in the following order: [positive-x, negative-x, positive-y, negative-y, positive-z, negative-z]
  • onCreateMesh a function that will be called every time a new THREE.Mesh is created (each subdivision or unification results in the need to generate a new mesh otherwise the view will not update)
  • onCreateSphere a function that will be called every time a new QuadSphereGeometry is created (changing any of the above props values results in a new QuadSphereGeometry being created and the prior being disposed of)


import { Canvas, useLoader } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { QuadSphereMesh } from 'quadsphere';

function App() {
    const texture = useLoader(THREE.TextureLoader, `./assets/texture.png`);
    const bump = useLoader(THREE.TextureLoader, `./assets/bump.jpg`);
    return (
                position={[1.2, 0, 0]} {/* x, y, z position */}
                radius={1}             {/* radius of sphere */}
                segments={5}           {/* number of edges & divisions in each Quad */}
                    displacementScale={0.2} />

Updating the Sphere based on distance to camera

import { Canvas, useLoader, useFrame } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { QuadSphereMesh, V3, QuadSphereGeometry } from 'quadsphere';
import * as THREE from 'three';

function distanceCheck(sphereMeshRef: THREE.Mesh, worldLocation: V3) {
    const distanceValues = new Array<number>(5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0);
    const geom = sphereMeshRef.geometry as QuadSphereGeometry;
    // convert camera location to location relative to QuadSphere
    const localLocation = new THREE.Vector3(worldLocation.x, worldLocation.y, worldLocation.z)
    let updated = false;
    for (let i=0; i<distanceValues.length; i++) {
        const dist = distanceValues[i];
        const levelQuads = geom.sphere.registry.getQuadsAtLevel(i);
        if (levelQuads.length > 0) {
            const inRange = levelQuads.filter(q => geom.sphere.utils.isWithinDistance(q, dist, localLocation));
            if (inRange.length > 0) {
                const closest = geom.sphere.utils.getClosestQuad(localLocation, false, ...inRange);
                levelQuads.filter(q => q.id !== closest.id).forEach(q => q.unify());
            } else {
                levelQuads.forEach(q => q.unify());
            updated = true;
    if (updated) {

function App() {
    const texture = useLoader(THREE.TextureLoader, `./assets/texture.png`);
    const bump = useLoader(THREE.TextureLoader, `./assets/bump.jpg`);
    const ref = useRef<THREE.Mesh>(null);
    useFrame((state: RootState, delta: number) => {
        // check distance from camera to QuadSphere and subdivide when within range
        distanceCheck(ref.current, state.camera.position);
    return (
                ref={ref}              {/* provides access to QuadSphereGeometry and QuadSphere */}
                position={[1.2, 0, 0]} {/* x, y, z position */}
                radius={1}             {/* radius of sphere */}
                segments={5}           {/* number of edges + divisions in each Quad */}

Using a different material for each face of the QuadSphere

by default the QuadSphere uses a unified texture mapping that assumes all faces are contained in a single unwrapped cube texture that like the following example, but you can also assign each face individually by specifying a textureMapping of split

import { Canvas, useLoader } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { QuadSphereMesh } from 'quadsphere';

function App() {
    return (
                position={[1.2, 0, 0]} {/* x, y, z position */}
                radius={1}             {/* radius of sphere */}
                segments={5}           {/* number of edges & divisions in each Quad */}
                textureMapping="split" {/* indicates that texture groups should be used */}
                <meshBasicMaterial attach="material-0" color="red" /* px */ />
                <meshBasicMaterial attach="material-1" color="blue" /* nx */ />
                <meshBasicMaterial attach="material-2" color="green" /* py */ />
                <meshBasicMaterial attach="material-3" color="purple" /* ny */ />
                <meshBasicMaterial attach="material-4" color="white" /* pz */ />
                <meshBasicMaterial attach="material-5" color="black" /* nz */ />


a @react-three/fiber compatible THREE.Mesh that can be used directly from the Canvas to render one face of the QuadSphere


all QuadSphereMesh properties are supported in addition to the following:

  • applyCurve if true then the rendered Quad will be curved based on the distance of the centre property from the curveOrigin.
  • centre a V3 made up of an x, y, and z number as an offset from the curveOrigin. Note that the THREE.Mesh position property is used for position and the centre is only used if you need to use applyCurve so you can offset from the origin to ensure the curve is applied to round the mesh instead of creating a flattened circle
  • curveOrigin the location to move out from by radius amount when applying the curve
  • uvStart a V2 containing a u and v number representing the starting offset for uvs in this QuadMesh (defaults to {u: 0, v: 0})
  • uvEnd a V2 containing a u and v number representing the ending offset for uvs in this QuadMesh (defaults to {u: 1, v: 1})


a THREE.js compatible BufferGeometry that can be passed to a THREE.Mesh. all properties available to a QuadSphereMesh and that aren't part of the @react-three/fiber MeshProps is available as a contructor argument


  • subdivide takes in a V3 specifying a local-space translated V3 and will find the closest Quad or child Quad and call the subdivide function on it
  • unify takes in a V3 specifying a local-space translated V3 and will find the closest Quad or child Quad and call the unify function on it's parent
  • updateAttributes automatically called after calling subdivide or unify, this enables you to force an update of the vertices, normals, uvs and indices of the BufferGeometry


a THREE.js compatible BufferGeometry that can be passed to a THREE.Mesh. all properties available to a QuadMesh and that aren't part of the @react-three/fiber MeshProps is available as a contructor argument


same as QuadSphereGeometry


an implementation of a CubeSphere that uses Quad-Tree subdivision algorithm to increase the mesh complexity near a specific area with minimal increase to the overall mesh complexity as you move away from the specified location. Having this object separated from the specific rendering technology, namely THREE.js allows it to be used with other renderers if so desired


a single face used in the QuadSphere. this can be used to further reduce the complexity of a scene by removing other, unseen faces of the sphere when up close or can be used in a flattened mode as a Terrain implementation that supports the same level of detail adjustments as the QuadSphere