
a Mocha / Cypress test reporter module for uploading results to AWS Kinesis Firehose

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a Mocha / Cypress test reporter module for uploading results to AWS Kinesis Firehose


from your Cypress project, run the following command

$ npm install cypress-awskinesis-reporter --save-dev



Add the reporter to your cypress.json

Ex: using config file based, AWS temporary IAM credentials

"reporter": "cypress-awskinesis-reporter",
"reporterOptions": {
    "kinesisfirehose_deliverystream": "your-stream-name",
    "kinesisfirehose_regionendpoint": "eu-west-1",
    "aws_auth_type": "config",
    "aws_access_key_id": "yourAccessKeyId",
    "aws_secret_access_key": "yourSecretAccessKey",
    "aws_session_token": "yourTemporarySessionToken"

Ex: using EC2 instance based AWS Credentials

"reporter": "cypress-awskinesis-reporter",
"reporterOptions": {
    "kinesisfirehose_deliverystream": "your-stream-name",
    "kinesisfirehose_regionendpoint": "eu-west-1",
    "aws_auth_type": "instance"

Ex: using environment variable Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

"reporter": "cypress-awskinesis-reporter",
"reporterOptions": {
    "kinesisfirehose_deliverystream": "your-stream-name",
    "kinesisfirehose_regionendpoint": "eu-west-1",
    "aws_auth_type": "environment"


Your Cypress tests results can optionally include a Test ID that uses TestRail's Case ID formatting. To include this, add the Case ID's to your test titles as follows:

// Good:
it('C123 C234 Can authenticate as a valid user', () => {...});
it('Can authenticate C123 as a valid user C234', () => {...});

// Bad:
it('C123Can authenticate as a valid user', () => {...});
it('Can authenticate as a valid user (C123)', () => {...});
it('Can authenticate as a valid userC123', () => {...});
it('Can authenticate C123C234 as a valid user', () => {...});

Reporter Options

  • kinesisfirehose_deliverystream - REQUIRED - the AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream name where messages will be sent
  • kinesisfirehose_regionendpoint - REQUIRED - the location where your AWS Kinesis Firehose endpoint is deployed in AWS. Valid values will look similar to eu-west-1, us-west-2, etc.
  • aws_auth_type - REQUIRED - the location from where the AWS Credentials should be retrieved. Valid values are instance (EC2 Instance Profile credentials), config (Cypress' reporterOptions in the cypress.json file), and environment (read the values from the environment variables)
    • aws_access_key_id - if using a value of config for aws_auth_type you must also include this with a valid IAM Access Key ID
    • aws_secret_access_key - if using a value of config for aws_auth_type you must also include this with a valid IAM Secret Access Key
    • aws_session_token - if using a value of config for aws_auth_type and using Temporary IAM Credentials, you must also include a value for this

Kinesis Record Data Format

The results uploaded to AWS Kinesis Firehose will have the following format

    Created: "YYYY-MM-DD:HH:mm:ss.mmmZ",
    TestId: 123, // or undefined if none exists
    TestStatus: 0, // 0=passed, 4=failed, 5=skipped
    DurationMs: 12334, // milliseconds
    TestStatusStr: "passed", // or "failed" or "skipped"
    TestName: "C123 C234 Can authenticate as a valid user",
    TestFullName: "Authentication Standard User C123 C234 Can authenticate as a valid user",
    BuildName: "Some Project name - Some plan name - Some job name", // or undefined if none exists
    BuildNumber: 987, // or undefined if none exists
    Source: "cypress-awskinesis-reporter", // name of this reporter
    Version: "2.0.0", // version of this reporter
    ErrorMessage: "some error string" // or undefined if none exists

NOTE: Tests referencing multiple Case ID's will upload 1 record for each Case ID


Jason Holt Smith - github


This project is licensed under the MIT license