Primary LanguageMATLAB

CTA Analysis

Codes that read and anlalyze electrophysiology (chronic neuropixel 2.0)

Folder Structure

  • main.m: main script that runs functions and loops throguh sessions data
  • load_data.m: scripts that load behavioral and electrophysiology data
  • sessions.m: list all sessions that main.m will run through
  • test_code.ipynb: notebook contains all the python codes that were tested out

  • pkgs: packages dependencies
  • helpfun: small self-written utility functions
  • +single_cell: plots on properties of individual cells
  • +classifier: analysis and plots related to classifier
    • mnr.m, nb.m: 2 main objects for training and testing multinomial logistic regression classifier and naive bayes classifier
    • others are various helping functions