Youtube Url To FullScreen Video Lightbox, that i'll just call YU2FVL, is a jQuery plugin to help you intergrate great youtube videos on your web pages in a simple way.
It keeps the video ratio you want (16/9, 4/3, 21/3...) while scaling to browsers viewport.
- It's Responsive.
- It's Lightweight (< 2Ko)
- Supports any youtube url
- You can even do some TOTAL FULLSCREEN by setting default paddings to "0"
To install the plugin do the following :
Add the jquery.yu2fvl.css to your project in the <head></head>
<link href="dist/jquery.yu2fvl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Add the jquery.yu2fvl.js to your project AFTER loading jQuery
<script src="/dist/jquery.yu2fvl.js"></script>
You can find both files in dist/ with the js minified or You can find both files in src/ with the js' original code
To build just open your console in the folder and run "gulp" after your changes on the files in the SRC folder
Very simple : target an anchor, apply the plugin.
<a class="play-1" href="">Play my video</a>
You can also directly pass a youtube video id to the plugin
<button class="play-1">Play my video</button>
$('.play-1').yu2fvl({ vid: 'QImBolnTVH8' });
All this works perfectly with different anchors on the same selector with different href
<a class="play-1" href="">Play my video</a>
<a class="play-2" href="">Play my video</a>
<a class="play-3" href="">Play my video</a>
<a class="play-4" href="">Play my video</a>
$('.play-1, .play-2, .play-3, .play-4').yu2fvl();
The various youtube url formats acceptable :
minPaddingX: 50, // the space you want on *top and bottom when centering the video (value is divided by 2)
minPaddingY: 50, // the space you want on *left and right when centering the video (value is divided by 2)
ratio: 16/9, // choose the ration you want for your video
cssClass: "yu2fvl", // set a namespace / global css class
overlayCssClass: "-overlay", // give a suffix css class for the overlay
iframeCssClass: "-iframe", // give a suffix css class for the iframe
closeCssClass: "-close", // give a suffix css class for the close button
closeText: "X", // give some text for the close button
vid: false // set directly a youtube video id (though using an anchor is cool for SEO !)
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
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