
💸 Auction app with realtime updates using JavaScript and Firebase. Created on a team with @liliboxer, @lacrivella, @carlosus, @codingclueless, and @sepuckett86.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

💸 BidUp 💸

An auction app with realtime updates using JavaScript and Firebase. As a user, you can sign up and either be an auctioneer or bidder. As an auctioneer, you can create an auction lot by providing a description of the item along with an image url. Once everyone is in the auction lot, you can then start the timer and the bidding can begin. As a bidder, you can enter into an auction room and start bidding!

Deployed Project


The Tech

  • JavaScript
  • Firebase
  • HTML
  • CSS

No Node packages were used -- this is a vanilla JavaScript project!

The Team