Project overview

This is a Warehouse WEB API created using Python Flask. To use the API you can use any WEB browser or API testing tools like Postman

Pulling/cloning the repository

To clone the repository you need to have "Git" version control system

The command to clone:

git clone

If you do not have Git you can download the zip file of the project.
Simply go the project repository click the button "Code" and then press "Download ZIP".

Compiling the the project

To compile this project you need to have "Python" and required packages.
You can download it here:
You can install the packages by command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Best practice is to use Virual Envoirement. See more:

Running the app

To run the project navigate to the project folder and issue the command:


The command runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5000 to access it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any errors in the console.

Using the app

To use the application send the GET request with no parameters to the BASE URL:
It will respond with all the possible endpoint options.


The database is default SQLite on the localhost \