use create-react-app, and koa for server side. build app with react-scripts too
install webpack-cli and fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin-alt
call npm install --save-dev webpack-cli call npm install --save-dev fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin-alt [2019.3.20]we should install it so create-react-app could work
run and build
- npm run start run server and react app with development mode,so start:server for server,start:web for react app
- npm run build build the server and react app with production mode,so build:web for the front side,build:server for server side.
test for server and react app
- npm run test:server
- npm run test
debug use vscode
- launch "server" for server side
- launch "web" for client and server
- launch "test" to debug for client test
- launch "test:server" to debug server test