
using all-repos

pip install all-repos

other commands

  • all-repos-grep
all-repos-grep ':image' -- .circleci/config.yml
  • all-repos-sed
all-repos-sed \
    "s@image: circleci/buildpack-deps:stretch@image: ubuntu-2204:2022.10.2@g" \
    .circleci/config.yml \
    --commit-msg "use ubuntu image"
  • all-repos-find-files
  • all-repos-list-repos
  • all-repos-manual

Cloning all the repos

all-repos-clone -C all-repos.json


Currently, the config file is set to no to anything on the repo

"push": "all_repos.push.readonly",

Change this setting to all_repos.push.merge_to_master to push to the default branch.

See the all-repos doc to see other push options.

You can filter the repos to clone by adding a include or exclude key to the all-repos.json file.